Again and again, this wisdom proves to be true. A person’s teeth – an important subject which is reflected by many proverbs of our language. This is not surprising, as these words refer to our face – the mirror of our soul. When two people meet for the first time, the decision on whether they feel sympathy or antipathy for each other takes about three seconds. A sympathetic and attractive appearance very much depends on the look of one’s mouth: on a bright smile. Healthy and perfect-looking teeth are a symbol for vitality and success - therefore they are an important prerequisite for higher quality of life and acceptance. In professional and private life.  We develop a conception for treatment, which complies with the highest demands on aesthetics and function, to meet your individual needs.

Our Practice: We offer innovative methods and high-quality materials. That’s your guaranty for biological compatibility and long-lasting function.

  • Treatments under general anesthesia Open or Close

    Beautiful, almost new teeth in your sleep - it is quite possible: Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine now offer safe and tolerated methods of anaesthesia and twilight sleep. This treatment is a way to treat patients who can not be treated under local anaesthesia. Before anesthesia, the prescribed preliminary examinations are mandatory. The risks of anaesthesia are relatively low, provided that there is a preliminary study. The drugs used are broken down quickly by the body. After the anaesthesia is administered, it only produces a temporary dizziness.


    • Prior to the actual dental procedure existing conditions and risks will be discussed with you by the anaesthesiologist (anaesthetist)

    • If any questions still remain in methods of anaesthesia, risks and complications it will be carefully discussed

     Requirement to carry out a general anaesthetic:

    • In the case of sicknesses such as colds, flu, cough, etc. dental treatment may only be performed under anaesthesia at least 2 weeks after recovery.

    • 6 - 8 hours before the dental treatment under general anaesthesia, the patient must be sober. Drinking is allowed only if permitted by the anaesthesiologist to taking a sedative just prior to anaesthesia.

    For outpatient anaesthesia, there should always be a companion for the journey home. The independent driving of a motor vehicle after anaesthesia or the independent ride home on public transport is not possible and is not permitted by us for your safety.

  • Magnifying loupe & microscope Open or Close

    Use of optical magnification systems for quality assurance. The idea to use the microscope in dentistry comes from the field of endotontics. In the U.S., for example, specialists in endotontics always work with the support of the microscope. Magnifying loupe & microscope represent modern and highly specialised techniques and methods of treatment in dentistry which are particularly promising. They also enable us to carry out minimal-invasive periodontal surgery. Additionally, they facilitate the control of the positioning of crowns.

  • Osteopathy Open or Close

    Osteopathic medicine is used for detection and treatment of disorders of the bone. To their foundations include the unity of the human body, the interdependence of structure and function and the self-regulating forces of the body. Healing with the hands, without drugs and instruments, is what osteopathy is all about. The holistic healing method assumes that health is reflected through the movements of our body. When these are restricted, it can lead to blockages and, in the worst case, the development of an illness. We work together during the functional therapy with experienced osteopaths.

  • Implants Open or Close

    The demand for tightly fixed dentures has risen enormously in recent years, both for functional and aesthetic reasons. Another advantage of dental implants is the preservation of the natural bone structure. Tooth loss leads to disintegration of the bone due to the lack of loading by pressure and tensile forces. This means, the sooner you decide for an artificial root, the more is left of the natural bone structure. Surrounding teeth will not migrate into the gap and the opposing teeth will not grow long due to the lack of support. But today, even if there is only little bone left and in case of disintegration of the bone structure, regeneration of the bone makes implantation possible in most cases. Please, ask us – we will gladly provide you with the details.

  • Homeopathy Open or Close

    Everyday life in our rationalised and engineered world subjects us to permanently increasing psychical and physical stress. Consequently, numerous new diseases could develop. Neurodermitis, asthma, AIDS, and herpes, for example, are diseases which are not or very difficult to cure by orthodox medicine. About 200 years ago, the German physician Dr. Samuel Hahnemann developed the theory of homeopathic medicine based on the knowledge of Hippokrates and Paracelsus.

    The therapy principle "like should be cured with like" was established by Hahnemann. In homeopathy, the drug is deemed suitable that would, if given in undiluted form to a healthy person, cause the presenting symptoms of the patient,. Accordingly, the organism shall be treated exactly with its own symptoms in non-material form as homeopathic remedy. Arsenic in its material form, for example, causes illness and only after homeopathic processing, it can become a medical drug. So, every potentially harmful chemical or biological compound also has the potential to be a homeopathic drug. Homeopathy is a medical science using the inversion principle of toxicology.

    Homeopathy derives its knowledge from the observation of the patient and the numerous symptoms of the diseases. It is an experience based medical science. Every disease and every symptom is unique and can only be detected and experienced by close observation. In order to find the remedy, however, the patient is not reduced to his physical symptoms, but is seen in the complexity of body, soul, and spirit. Therefore, the finding of the remedy (repertorisation) is a time consuming and complex process which requires profound knowledge of the homeopathic medical science as well as experience and empathic abilities of the therapist. In our overall concept, homeopathy is used for mobilisation therapy (e. g. during the removal of amalgam), for the therapy of diseases or for supporting the harmonisation and equalisation of the energy balance, e. g. during stress therapy with biofeedback.

  • Labdiagnostic / environmental medicine Open or Close

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  • Gentle bleaching of teeth Open or Close

    Surface stainings caused by the consumption of coffee, tea, or tobacco can be removed by a professional dental cleaning. Subjacent stainings of teeth, however, require the use of special bleaching agents, to regain the natural white, provided, of course, teeth and periodontium are healthy. If the bleaching agents were used on a tooth with caries or a defective filling, they could enter the dental structure and cause further damage.

    A distinction is made between home and in-office bleaching:

    In-office bleaching
    Here, the dentist applies the bleaching agent onto the teeth externally. Depending on the situation, the teeth are whitened altogether or adjusted to the brighter colour of a chosen veneer or crown restoration. The treatment takes about one hour and has to be repeated up to three times depending on the bleaching agent and the degree of staining.

    Home bleaching
    Home bleaching is carried out at home according to the exact instructions of the dentist. The dentist will provide the necessary equipment: an individually customized plastic splint together with the bleaching agent. The splint is filled with the agent and applied to the teeth for one or more hours a day. The desired result is usually reached within 7 to 14 days. Additionally, numerous over-the-counter-bleachings are available at chemists and supermarkets. But caution: if used without the advice of a dentist, there is an increased risk of damages to teeth and periodontium, while the efficiency of such means is small compared to professional methods.

  • Veneers Open or Close

    Ceramic veneers for the correction of tooth malpositions or aesthetic enhancement.

  • Acupuncture - Ear acupuncture Open or Close

    The impacts of ear acupunctureare simple to explain: The stimuli generated within the ear are received by three major nerves which are supplying the ear. The centers of these nerves lay in the brainstem and are connected to the so called formatio reticularis. This interface is very important for the link between body and brain. Thus, all information will be passed through without any delay: The electrical signal produced in the ear passes through the neural loops instantly to the brain and from there to the corresponding organ in the body. In our dental office earacupuncture is used in terms of function therapy and pain treatment. We are able to activate the self-healing ability of the body by this treatment.

  • Anti ageing of teeth Open or Close

    With increasing age, teeth lose beauty through the wearing away of the substance - they become shorter. The gums may recede and teeth become discoloured through storage of pigments. Also,  teeth gnashing leads to cracks in the teeth, which in turn leads to faster discolouration. This leads to an optical ageing process especially of the anterior teeth. The ageing of teeth can be undone by means of whitening, extension and harmonization of the so-called "social six", the six maxillary anterior teeth. Often, these optical rejuvenation measures are feasible at a low cost and without further loss of substance.
    We can advise which treatment option is best suited to you.

  • Halitosis Open or Close

    The assumption that halitosis is primarily a gastrointestinal (stomach) problem is still common among doctors and patients. Foetor ex ore and halitosis are medical terms for bad breath. Both are clinically determined via the presence of volatile sulphur compounds in the breath with a halimeter or with our olfactory organ, the nose.

    Many people permanently suffer from halitosis. Often, the affected person is not aware of it, because for the patient, the smell is always present. And, in case the problem is pointed out, hardly anyone knows what to do about it. In many cases, halitosis occurs only temporarily and a chewing gum or a mouthwash is used as a short-term remedy. Bad breath is often associated with lack of hygiene, which is often not true. Because this is an intimate topic, very few people dare to point out bad breath to others. This is very unfortunate, because once its cause is determined, halitosis can be cured relatively easy in most cases. The risk of halitosis can be reduced to a minimum, i. e. to a short-term matutinal halitosis, by carrying out a good oral hygiene and the procedures listed under "Therapy", provided none of the diseases without oral cause mentioned below are present. The bad breath in the morning disappears after the brushing of the teeth and a small meal. Chewing gum, tooth-paste, and mouthwash containing chlorohexidin, zinc or cetylpyridiniumchloride are prophylactically effective.

    There are different causes.

    In 80 % - 90 % of all cases, the aetiology of halitosis can be found in the oral cavity, thus falling into the competence of the dentist or the prophylaxis assistant. The bad smell is caused by bacteria which are degrading substances of the saliva, food residues etc. into gaseous sulphur compounds. That does not necessarily mean, however, that it is caused by a lack of oral hygiene. Food residues can accumulate in recesses such as partly cracked teeth or other hiding places, where they are not accessible for dental hygiene procedures. However, a lack of oral hygiene is increasing the problem, because the retention of food residues is much higher in decayed teeth, gingival pockets, on dental calculus, in defective fillings, under crown edges, and in the interdentia. Only in rare cases, the stomach is the origin of halitosis.

    The treatment of halitosis consists of eliminating the causes. Usually, this starts with optimizing oral hygiene. Beside the brushing of teeth, this also includes the cleaning of the interdentia by the use of appropriate means. Thorough care is required for the fine gaps along fillings and crowns. There are many different shapes of tongues, some with deep grooves. In those cases, a cleaning of the grooves with a toothbrush or a tongue scraper as well as a rinsing with a suitable solution is necessary, because halitosis of the tongue can reinfect the periodontium. If afterwards can be determined that the halitosis is not caused orally, a clarification with the physician of your choice will be arranged.

    Regular control and prophylaxis sessions with a prophylaxis assistant prevent relapse. The prophylaxis assistant will let you know, if you start suffering from halitosis (again). Because a halitosis of the tongue can reinfect the periodontium. Be grateful to your prophylaxis assistant or your friends who brought this problem to your attention. Honesty and discretion are characteristics of a good friendship.

  • Prophylaxis Open or Close

    Professional oral hygiene and dental cleaning as well as halitosis therapy in accordance with U.S. American and Swiss concepts. These concepts include: assessment, treatment, and control of caries and periodontitis risks. Risk indices are determined frequently and your personal therapy is prepared accordingly. The declared aim of our practice team is the avoidance of tooth damage. Therefore we implement a dentistry, where the necessary treatments are carried out on a high quality level, while the primary focus is on preventive actions to avoiding damage to teeth. Scientific dentistry has shown that a dental treatment can only be successful, when the patient can be motivated to carry out an effective oral hygiene and when the patient´s efforts are accompanied by a regular professional dental care.

  • Periodontal treatment Open or Close

    Aim of the actual periodontal treatment is the elimination of residual bacteria and plaque in the deep periodontal pockets, the removal of the inflammated tissue and the smoothing of the root surface. Clean smooth root surfaces enable the periodontium to re-adhere to the root, so the periodontal pockets can be closed. To make the disinfection of the oral cavity as perfect as possible, it is necessary to carry it out in the entire mouth within 24 hours. This new method is far more comfortable for the patient than the conventional manual scaling and it achieves a better smoothing of the root surface.

    Regular aftercare as well as an optimum oral hygiene are crucial for the permanent success of periodontal treatment. During aftercare, we check the effectiveness of the domestic oral hygiene together. Once more, the oral hygiene status is determined and we discuss all questions regarding your teeth.

  • Endodontics Open or Close

    Root treatment even of difficil canals. With the modern Schilder technique, the entire root system is cleaned and filled. Contrary to the "conventional" method, teeth show a positive long-term prognosis of almost 100 % after this treatment. A root canal treatment becomes necessary, when the pulp (the nerve of the tooth) is irreversibly inflammated or infected.

    Possible causes are:

    - deep seated caries
    - multiple treatments of the same tooth
    - fine hairline cracks due to adverse loading, e. g. clenching and grinding
    - dental trauma, e. g. after an accident

    Possible symptoms:

    - distinct pain reaction to heat and cold
    - bite or contact sensitivity
    - swellings or pressure pain in the surrounding gingiva
    - discolouring of the tooth

    Without treatment, this can cause severe pain or an abcess which might result in the loss of the tooth! With conventional root treatment, the complete removal of the inflammated tissue in the root canal is often not possible. Then, after some time, the treated tooth starts to ache again and usually has to be removed sooner or later.

    With a sophisticated technique, the so called "Schilder technique" taught in Boston/U.S.A., we provide optimum treatment for the lifelong preservation of your teeth. This can save you a long way of suffering. Especially with strongly curved canals, side canals, calcifications, or perforations, the results of conventional treatment are often inadequate.

    Statistics regarding root canal treatment in Germany show a success rate of merely 40 %. Root canal treatment carried out according to the state of the art reach success rates of 90 %, i. e. nine teeth out of ten can be preserved permanently! This has been proven by long-term studies from the U.S. and Scandinavia.

    Even revisions (i. e. re-treatment after failed root canal treatment) still reach 70 %. The latest methods of treatment under the microscope, such as the Schilder technique, give excellent results. With the Schilder-Technik, the entire root canal system with all its fine side canals – similar to the root of a tree – is thoroughly cleaned and filled up. Profound training, sufficient time and experience, and the proper equipment are essential. The rubber dam, for example, which is put over the tooth like an empty balloon and then streched over a frame outside your mouth. This allows the disinfection of the tooth prior to drilling and prevents the bacteria from entering the root canal with the saliva. Devices with strong magnification, such as magnifiying loupe and microscope to facilitate the localisation and preparation of the canals, are also considered absolutely essential by endodontists. Files (especially for depths) should be made of nickel titanium alloy, because this material is extremely flexible and break resistant.

    Also necessary is a device which automatically measures the root canal and indicates the end of the root so it can be filled up correctly.

  • Amalgam Open or Close

    Amalgam is an inexpensive filling material and is therefore advocated by health insurance companies.
    However, there are people who, due of the individual effects of the metals contained within the amalgam, fall ill years later. Mercury accumulates mainly in fatty tissue, the pituitary gland, and gonadal tissues (ovaries, testes) . Likewise, it is deposited in cell membranes and also leads to damage of the mitochondria, the powerhouse of the cell. Due to its affinity for SH-groups, it also leads to disturbances of enzyme function. Mercury deposits encourage the formation of hydrogen superoxide, free radicals and lipid superoxide. These substances have a harmful effect on the genetic material and are carcinogenic. Mercury is also an immunotoxic agent. Of course, all of the other metals occurring in the amalgam can cause stress on the body: for example, tin, which is also a neurotoxin 100 times more potent than mercury.

    This metal pollution can lead to, among others, the following symptoms:

    • tiredness
    • depression
    • fatigue
    • increased irritability
    • dizziness
    • memory loss
    • stomatitis
    • bowel disease
    • diarrhea, allergies
    • Alzheimer’s disease
    • amyotrophic lateral sclerosis,
    • memory disorders
    • hair loss
    • immunodeficiency
    • metallic taste
    • multiple sclerosis
    • sinusitis
    • eczema  
    • fungal infections , etc.

    We perform amalgam remediation under the following conditions:

    • Testing the new materials to be used. This can be done in the laboratory and /or by means of a kinesiologic compatibility test .
    • Inlaying of a rubber dam; a special protective barrier, which prevents amalgam passing into the body during removal.
    • Removal of the amalgam with special drills.
    • Selenium mouthwashes.
    • Taking activated charcoal.
    • Wearing special masks to prevent the uptake of mercury through the air; if necessary oxygen via a nasal tube.
    • Wearing goggles.
    • Recovery of heavy metals stored in the body.
  • Trigger factors Open or Close

    The number of patients suffering from allergies, autoimmune diseases and chronic infections has increased dramatically in the western world. In the last 20 years, for example, the number of cases of allergies and Crohn's disease have doubled.

    The common factor of all chronic inflammatory diseases is the loss of immune tolerance, leading to an overreaction of the immune system against a perceived threat. This is due to our changing environmental factors and so-called "trigger factors".

    These trigger factors can include dental materials, shifted or crooked teeth as well as root-treated teeth. The aim of environmental dentistry is to recognise these trigger factors in order to avoid all possible complications. Thus, we can prevent chronic diseases and allergies or alleviate their symptoms in the context of holistic medicine.

    The relationship between the dental field in the mouth and the whole organism will be considered and constitute the basis of any therapy. Special scientifically recognised testing methods of materials and the personal compatibility are the cornerstones of an environmental dental derived dentistry in addition to the detailed findings and body-friendly material selection.

  • Applied Kinesology Open or Close

    The result of modern research in quantum physics states that everything is connected and everything influences or can be influenced by everything else. The finding, that matter can be waves and vice versa, explains, that in addition to all the important and necessary diagnostic tools such as inspection, palpation, X-ray, laboratory tests, etc., that even today, more and more bioenergetic studies are used in medicine.
    The core of the diagnosis in Applied Kinesiology (AK) is the kinesiology muscle test.
    The basic idea of the manual muscle test is that a muscle can respond to interference with a short-term weakening of its power and thus used as a biofeedback system.
    The head and the mouth especially, are embedded in a system of energy pathways.
    We use the AK in our practice for adaptation of splints, and to optimize the effect of the splint on the entire skeletal system.
    An interference is a sudden or chronic disease that is inside or outside of the body. It blocks our self-healing and impairs the effectiveness of medical therapy.
    Applied Kinesiology is exercised exclusively by therapists with a medical degree exam. It is scientifically developed for over 30 years and systematized by the experience of thousands of doctors, dentists, osteopaths and physiotherapists around the world.
    Professional Applied Kinesiology is taught by a complex and challenging curriculum content of the International College of Applied Kinesiology (ICAK)

  • Disturbance field diagnostics and therapy Open or Close

    An interference can suddenly become a chronic disease focus within or outside our bodies. It blocks our self-healing and impairs the effectiveness of medical therapy.
    Tooth interference fieldsalways have remote effects on other organs and organ systems:

    • Immune System
    • Vegetativecontrol system
    • Basicsystem
    • Nervous System

    With the help of applied kinesiology, acupuncture and homeopathy, combined with conventional medical, diagnostic possibilities and laboratory diagnostics, we can detect and treat interference fields.

  • Tension headache Open or Close

    Bilateral, in the front or the back of the head, sometimes rising from the neck, dull-pressing character ("vice", "strap around the head"); often dull, permanent headache, of hardly varying intensity after some years and possibly accompanied by sickness, nausea, and impaired vision (similar to migraine).

    Tensions in the head, neck and shoulder musculature which are caused and/or maintained by stress are considered to be a direct trigger. Possible organic reasons have to be excluded by your doctor prior to the commencement of the biofeedback therapy.

    Vicious circle stress–tension–pain
    Prolonged tensions (due to stress or adverse body posture) automatically cause pain. This can easily be verified by forming a tight fist. The loss of skin colour indicates that the blood circulation is reduced and that the supply of nutrients and oxygen is insufficient. Here, the pain acts as a warning signal. Chronic pain does not have that meaning anymore. Stress often causes tension of certain muscle groups (e. g. neck, back), but sometimes the pain does not occur until hours later. Therefore, the coherence of stress and pain is not always obvious. And since the pain itself causes a lot of stress, a vicious circle of stress, tension, and pain can develop that maintains the pain. Breaking this vicious circle is the aim of the biofeedback therapy.

    Biofeedback therapy
    Aim of the biofeedback therapy for tension headache is the reduction of muscle tension in neck and forehead. Since the muscle tension is only vaguely perceived, the feedback significantly improves the relaxation. The biofeedback therapy is here only temporarily important and emphasises your active cooperation.

    Principle of biofeedback treatment
    You are sitting in a comfortable relaxing chair and see the change of your muscle tension in form of a line on the screen. The muscle tension is measured with electrodes on neck or forehead. The feedback helps to perceive and deliberately reduce the tension. If it increases, the curve is rising and if it decreases, the curve is sinking. In a playful way, you learn to completely relax the muscle group responsible for the pain. This enables you to effectively reduce or prevent headache in every day life.

  • Functional therapy, mandibular joint therapy CMD Open or Close

    From scientific literature and from our own clinical experience, we know that the majority of people are grinding and/or clenching their teeth. For many people, this is a normal stress reaction. Our teeth are designed and also structured to absorb the loading by clenching and grinding. The problem, however, is that excessive loading can lead to loss, loosening, or breaking of teeth. Expensive treatment becomes necessary without the cause being eliminated. The disintegration process continues further and treatment becomes more and more complex and expensive – often ending in adontia (complete loss of teeth). Additionally, the muscular overload leads to headache, posture problems, chronic backache, or other severe symptoms such as tinnitus, dizziness, etc.

    Computer-assisted functional analysis enables us to find the origin of the incorrect loading and to react with the correct therapy.

    For posture problems and chronic headache as well as for the support of the entire system, we work together with a biofeedback therapist as well as experienced osteopaths and naturopaths. For the computer-assisted functional analysis, we use the Cadiax system.

    CADIAX is an electronic recording procedure for the functions of the mandibular joint. It is used for diagnosis and therapy and was developed by Professor Slavicek, a worldwide renowned authority in this field.

  • Invisible orthodontistry Open or Close

    Invisible orthodontistry:


    This innovative treatment uses extremely thin, nearly invisible aligners that are easily removable. These exert gentle pressure on your teeth until they shift to the correct position. This orthodontal correction for adults consists of a set of aligners, which will be worn for 1 - 2 weeks. Afterwards, the set will be exchanged every 11 - 15 weeks until the end of the treatment. Aligners should be worn at least 22 hours per day for fast results. 

    How many sets of aligners are necessary for stunning and correct teeth alignment is dependent on the patient's individual needs. 


    Age: appropriate for nearly every patient aged 14 to 100

    Painless: close to no restrictions on daily activities 
    Oral hygiene: easy because of the lack of disrupting metal or wire parts

    Duration of treatment: short, usually between 10 and 18 weeks



    Easy corrections are feasible from 1,800 EUR, for certain, more intricate cases, it can cost up to 6,000 EUR. 

    In most cases, the treatment with comfortable, invisible aligners is more cost-effective than conventional braces, which are optically less appealing, especially for adult patients. Internally fitting braces are also usually more expensive than Invisalign. 


    You can also choose a cheaper payment method for your Invisalign aligners: in collaboration with our data centre, we will offer you a non-interest monthly rate. 


    If your insurance covers your aligner treatment partially or completely depends on your individual insurance status. Even though the statutory health insurance recognises corrective treatments with aligners, the orthodontal treatment of adults for cosmetic purposes is not covered. Therefore, it is generally advisable to optimise your insurance status with the necessary complementary insurance. 


    For those with private insurance, conventional and aligner treatments are both covered, so long as the treatment is medically advised. This can be determined in a consultation appointment. 

  • Aesthetic dentistry Open or Close

    Natural looking tooth coloured fillings and crowns (ceramic). To guarantee maximum competence, international advanced courses held by renowned consultants are attended. Additionally, the membership of the „Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ästhetische Zahnheilkunde“ (German Association Of Aesthetic Dentistry) and of the „American Association Of Cosmetic Dentistry“ ensure a high standard of aesthetic quality.

  • Holistic dendistry Open or Close

    Scientific studies have proven that the human body is a complex system and that as soon as a tiny wheel stops turning, the entire system loses its balance. When the teeth are destroyed or the chewing apparatus has problems, this can lead to health burdens of the entire body and bring our system out of balance, which can lead to acute or chronic diseases. In our practice, because of this view, we make it our task for the patients. Traditional forms of medicine are therefore supplemented with us through the proven methods of complementary medicine such as osteopathy, acupuncture, homeopathy and Applied Kinesiology (AK).


Dr. med. dent. Andrea Pabst MSc

Neustädtische Kirchstr. 6 - 10117 Berlin

✆ +49 30 20 63 46 10